Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Big Asteroid + Dinosaurs = Mass Extinction?

There has been a huge controversy over what actually killed off the massive population of the dinosaurs and other organisms they co-existed with. The myth came about when archeologists started discovering dinosaur fossils all around the world. The scientists don't know how or why they died and where they are now. Some people think it was an enormous asteroid (estimated 120 miles in diameter) smashing into the earth. Another theory is a massive volcanic eruption.

Scientists have estimated that the dinosaurs were walking on the earth about 65 million years ago. According to Dr. A. Buckley of Sothworth Planetarium, Maine, USA, he believes it was an enormous asteroid that struck the earth and killed the dinosaurs; he thinks this because the mineral iridium was found in the soil where the fossils were discovered. And iridium is only found in two places and one of those places is in outer space. The other place iridium is found is near the center of the Earth. That’s the reasoning behind why scientists think a massive volcanic eruption destroyed the Dinosaur’s thriving population. However, some scientists around the world think they still exists today. According to a video on 60 minutes they have reason to believe that they can regenerate a dinosaur through a chicken becuase both a chicken and a dinosaur have simliar qualities.

This myth or controversy is a worldwide question. Nobody is certain which of the two theories was the actual killer of the dinosaurs. At this point in time (2009) one single person can't be 100% positive on the cause of the mass extinction of so many dinosaurs and organisms 65 million years ago.


SmileyFace123 said...

Did the explosion actually cover the whole earth? Because if it just covered a portion of it then wouldn't there have been Dinasaurs still alive?

PhysicsGal said...

There are scientists who support the idea that all dinosaurs did not become extinct. Prehistoric birds, e.g. the pterodactyl, lived through the mass "extinction" only to evolve into today's species of birds. So yes, smileyface123, dinosaurs did survive and still live today.

bipulg said...

So if some of the evolved dinosaurs are our present day birds, like the chicken, and survived the explosion, then couldn't some small animals have also survived? Maybe they could have gone deep underground and evolved into some creatures known or unknown to humans.

EMeaghann said...

I think its interesting to know that some dinosaurs still live today. Thats something i didn't know. Bipulg, i think you have a good point, but i myself dont think that animals that burrow underground could have survived such a huge eruption. I think they definently would have died.

Laxrox said...

If you watch the video you will see that the initial explosion only covered part of the world but then pieces of the asteroid were sent all around the world.

bipulg said...

Even if the asteroid split after the impact and pieces flew around the world, the pieces wouldn't have enough force on them to cause a big explosion unlike the original asteroid that was in outer space and was pulled in by earth's gravity causing a big explosion. So it wouldn't have made much of a difference if the asteroid did disassemble and fly in different places other than for scientific purposes.

Anonymous said...

I don't think there is a way to know exactly what happened. It could even be a reason besides the two mentioned in this blog! I guess the only way to know will be to ask God

kiara w said...

If the asteroid exploded into many pieces it still could do a lot of damage. When people shoot things there are schrapnel, and sometimes the schrapnel causes more damage than the bullet did in the first place. So, the asteriod might have caused damage and then the schrapnel might have caused even more damage.

Max9 said...

Perhaps, the extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by a combination of a volcanic eruption and a meteor that struck earth. Also, since it spanned over many centuries, could it have been related to another cause? Possibly a drastic change in the earth's environment?

G0LD3N_l3E4R_23 said...

This is a good article but i don't think there will ever be dinosaurs back on planet earth