Friday, January 15, 2010

The Greater Beyond

Most people view the concept of being an astronaut as a childhood dream, but do those people actually know what astronauts do while in space? While in space there are usually in four main categories of work: supply, repair,assembly and research.


Astronauts working in the supply category work with the transporting of equipment and supplies for the international space station. Essentially they gather the materials needed to either repair or add on to the international space station.


Astronauts working in the repair category could possibly check satellites for any problems and repair them as needed. Also they are in command of keeping the space station nice and tidy, both inside it and outside it.


The scientist in the category of assembly are in charge of assembling new modules that are needed to be attached to the space station.


The astronaut researchers' main goal plain and simple is to try to find out what is going on beyond from we stand.

Ever since I was a little toddler running around, I have always had a spark of interest in the sky and what's beyond it. A while back i received my first telescope for Christmas and took it out to my family's lake house where the sky is clear. Just peering through the telescope for a few minutes was enough to let me know that i wanted to go up there some day, to those places I've seen. I also enjoy working hard and solving problems for something I'm interested in. And in space there will always be problems that would need to be solved and I would be honored to help figure those problems out. From my research, I have gathered that being an aeronautical scientist would be very hands on, and i am a very kinesthetic learner. These are just some of the qualities that I believe make me a good candidate for pursuing a career in the field of Areonautical Science.